2019 UC San Diego Presents Radiology Review Course

Format: 79 Video Files + 1 PDF File.


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About This CME Teaching Activity

The 2019 Radiology Review Course covers a wide range of topics common to most current diagnostic radiology practices. This CME activity is organized by organ system, in all subspecialty areas of Diagnostic Radiology. Sessions include a basic review with discussion concentrating on routine imaging exams, image guided interventions and medical imaging physics.

Target Audience

This CME activity is designed as a comprehensive review of the field of Diagnostic Radiology with supplemental medical physics for both practicing radiologists as well as radiologists-in-training preparing for the Core Exam of the American Board of Radiology.

Educational Objectives

At the completion of this CME teaching activity, you should be able to:

Discuss the differential diagnosis of the imaging appearance of common disease processes with appropriate imaging and clinical follow-up recommendations.
Describe the role of new imaging techniques in diagnostic radiology.
Discuss basic vascular and non-vascular interventional procedures.
Explain medical radiation safety, the physics of and mechanisms to obtain medical images, and common imaging artifacts, and select non-interpretive skills.

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