AAFP Women’s Health Self-Study Package – 8th Edition

(3 مراجعات)

52.99 $

  • 30 VIDEOS
  • 30 AUDIOS
  • 24 PDFs
رمز المنتج: 8NU2C5Y6 التصنيف:



Upon completion of this CME activity, you should be able to:

1. Demonstrate comprehensive insight into recent women’s health initiatives.

2. Formulate evaluation and treatment plans related to various health issues throughout a woman’s life cycle.

3. Construct an individual wellness plan.

4. Discuss the unique aspects of medical care for women.

5. Identify and assist victims of physical, emotional and sexual violence and abuse.

6. Differentiate specific issues, disease processes, and treatments based on gender and ethnicity.

Topics And Speakers:

– Breast Mass
– Cardiovascular Disease Prevention for Women
– Case Study: Abnormal Uterine Bleeding and Amenorrhea
– Chronic Non-Cancer Pain Therapy and Modalities
– Contraception Management
– Diabetes Prevention, Screening and Management
– Eating Disorders: Approach and Management
– Evaluation and Biopsy of Skin Lesions
– Hot Topics
– Human Papillomavirus (HPV), Pap Tests and Cervical Cancer
– Infertility
– Intimate Partner Violence
– Menopause and Hormone Replacement Therapy
– Osteoporosis and Osteopenia
– Overactive Bladder and Urinary Incontinence
– Pelvic Pain
– Physician Well-Being and Resilience: Leadership – Closing the Gender Gap
– Physician Well-being and Resilience: Tools to Combat Burnout
– Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Hyperandrogenism
– Preconception Counseling
– Sexual Dysfunction in Women
– Sexually Transmitted Infections
– USPSTF and Choosing Wisely: Focus on Women
– Well-Woman Maintenance Part I
– Well-Woman Maintenance Part II

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