An Introduction to Brain and Behavior (International Edition), 7th Edition

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An Introduction to Brain and Behavior (International Edition), 7th Edition – E-Book
Authors: Kolb, Bryan; Whishaw, Ian Q.; Teskey, G. Campbell
Publication: Worth Publishers; 7th edition (15 Dec. 2022)
Year: 2022
ISBN: 9781319498566, 9781319508432
Format: EPUB + Converted PDF
Language: English

رمز المنتج: 2874A7HR التصنيفات: ,


Embark on an enlightening journey into the intricate world of brain and behavior with the compelling International Edition of ‘An Introduction to Brain and Behavior’. Authored by the esteemed Bryan Kolb, Ian Q. Whishaw, and G. Campbell Teskey, this 7th edition e-book offers unparalleled insights and knowledge. Published by Worth Publishers on 15th December 2022, this invaluable resource is a must-have for students and enthusiasts alike. With an ISBN of 9781319498566 and 9781319508432, you can access this transformative knowledge in EPUB and converted PDF formats. Dive into this captivating English-language publication and unravel the fascinating mysteries of the brain and behavior.

An Introduction to Brain and Behavior (International Edition), 7th Edition – E-Book
Authors: Kolb, Bryan; Whishaw, Ian Q.; Teskey, G. Campbell
Publication: Worth Publishers; 7th edition (15 Dec. 2022)
Year: 2022
ISBN: 9781319498566, 9781319508432
Format: EPUB + Converted PDF
Language: English

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