Robotic Surgery (Practical Examples in Gynecology) 1st Edition

Robotic Surgery (Practical Examples in Gynecology) 1st Edition

6.00 USD

Authors: di Liberto, Alexander; Kilic, Sami G.; Ertan, Kubilay; Kose, M. Faruk
Publication: De Gruyter
Year: 2013
ISBN: 9783110306552, 9783110306576
Format: PDF

Category: Tag:


The advent of robotic surgery brought a rise in the proportion of minimally invasive surgery in gynecology. This book provides a practical guide to this innovative field. First it introduces the basics of robotic surgery and then focuses on specific gynecology-related surgeries. Gynecologists currently practicing robotic surgery as well as those who would like to include robotic surgery in their practice will benefit greatly from this book.