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2019 Classic Lectures in Pathology What You Need to Know Dermatopathology

2019 Classic Lectures in Pathology What You Need to Know Dermatopathology pdf

35.00 USD

يعلن عنه في: eBooks

Topics And Speakers:
1. Melanoma, From Clinical Presentation to Molecular Diagnosis
2. Patch Stage Mycosis Fungoides A Different Diagnosis
3. Granulomas Skin
4. Common Problems with Melanocytic Neoplasms
5. Spitz Nevus, Atypical Spitz Tumor, Spitzoid Melanoma
6. Common Problems in Cutaneous Lymphoma
7. Interface Dermatitis From Trivial to Deadly
8. An Approach to Inflammatory Skin Disease
9. Practical Approach to Melanocytic Tumor
10. Inflammatory Dermatopathology for the Surgical Pathologist

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