Goldfrank’s Toxicologic Emergencies, Eleventh Edition 11th Edition

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Goldfranks Toxicologic Emergencies, Eleventh Edition
Authors: Lewis S. Nelson MD, Robert S. Hoffman, Mary Ann Howland, Neal A Lewin, Lewis R. Goldfrank, Silas W Smith
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education / Medical; 11th Edition (April 8, 2019)
ISBN: ISBN-10: 1259859614, ISBN-13: 978-1259859618
Format: EPUB plus Converted PDF

رمز المنتج: GIT99485 التصنيفات: ,


Title: Goldfrank’s Toxicologic Emergencies, Eleventh Edition
Authors: Lewis S. Nelson MD, Robert S. Hoffman, Mary Ann Howland, Neal A Lewin, Lewis R. Goldfrank, Silas W Smith
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education / Medical; 11th Edition (April 8, 2019)
ISBN: ISBN-10: 1259859614, ISBN-13: 978-1259859618
Format: EPUB plus Converted PDF

Description: “Goldfrank’s Toxicologic Emergencies, Eleventh Edition,” is the landmark text in medical toxicology, offering comprehensive coverage of poison management through a case-based resource that’s been thoroughly updated to reflect evidence-based principles and active bedside clinical practice. This edition features a diverse team of esteemed editors and authors who deliver expert insights into every type of toxicologic emergency, from substance abuse to exposure to toxins. The Eleventh Edition is notably rigorous, driven by a precise analysis of the latest medical literature and complex cases designed to facilitate differential diagnosis. New additions include more cases, “Special Considerations” chapters to enhance clinical decision-making and patient outcomes, “Antidotes in Depth” sections for toxicologic treatment strategies, and updated content on synthetics such as “K2”. With its fully referenced support, cohesive organization, and full-color format, this edition remains an indispensable tool for professionals in toxicology, emergency medicine, and related fields.

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