تمريض الأمهات حديثي الولادة من كبار السن وصحة المرأة عبر العمر الإصدار الحادي عشر

المحفوظات: مرضعات / رضاعة

Olds’ Maternal Newborn Nursing & Women’s Health Across the Lifespan 11th Edition by Michele Davidson (Author), Marcia London (Author), Patricia Ladewig (Author)

  • التنسيق: أصلي PDF/ طباعة نسخة طبق الأصل
  • الناشر: بيرسون. الإصدار الحادي عشر (11 يناير 7)
  • لغة: عربي
  • رقم ISBN-10: 013520688X
  • رقم ISBN-13: 978-0135206881

السعر الأصلي كان: 87.42 يورو.السعر الحالي هو: 11.16 يورو.

A humanistic approach to maternal-newborn care and women’s health
Olds’ Maternal-Newborn Nursing & Women’s Health Across the Lifespan acknowledges the central role of nurses in all aspects of childbearing. Relatable and engaging, it promotes holistic, evidence-¿based care grounded in patient-family partnerships, while supporting the clinical reasoning skills nurses need to care for patients in an ever-¿changing health care system. The إصدار 11th includes a new Reproductive Genetics chapter and a new Case Study feature, plus access to Pearson’s new MAP app with nursing strategies for educating patients and families in various situations and settings.

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