تشخيص الفم: أساليب التصوير الأقل توغلًا ، الطبعة الأولى. إصدار 1

ISBN-13: 978-3030192495
ISBN-10: 3030192490
الناشر: Springer؛ الطبعة الأولى. إصدار 1 (2020 نوفمبر 30)
تاريخ النشر: 30 نوفمبر 2019
اللغة الإنجليزية
التنسيق: أصلي PDF


The overall goal of this book is to provide the reader with an understanding of the new minimally invasive techniques that are available for the purpose of diagnostic imaging in dentistry and to explain their impact on clinical practice. The book concentrates very much on those techniques that are clinically applicable and useful to dentists NOW, although it also provides a fascinating view to the future. The chapters are divided according to the major clinical topics in dentistry. Each chapter provides considerable visual content, including flow charts, schematics, and photographs. The principles of the technologies presented are discussed in an overview format, with greater detail and focus on the ensuing clinical application techniques and the data that they can generate. The strengths and limitations of the novel modalities are highlighted. Finally, the interface between the data and their capacity for improving clinical outcomes through better diagnosis is discussed. All of the authors have been selected on the basis of their pre-eminence in the field.

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