Treatment of Acetabular Bone Loss and Chronic Pelvic Discontinuity 1st Edition

السعر الأصلي هو: 79.99 $.السعر الحالي هو: 9.99 $.

Treatment of Acetabular Bone Loss and Chronic Pelvic Discontinuity – E-Book : Treatment of Acetabular Bone Loss and Chronic Pelvic Discontinuity – E-Book
Authors: Sheth, Neil P.; Paprosky, Wayne
Publication: Elsevier
Year: 2023-05-01
ISBN: 9780323875509, 9780323875516
Format: EPUB + Converted PDF
Language: English

رمز المنتج: 5C8N85QM التصنيف:


Treatment of Acetabular Bone Loss and Chronic Pelvic Discontinuity – E-Book : Treatment of Acetabular Bone Loss and Chronic Pelvic Discontinuity – E-Book By Sheth, Neil P.; Paprosky, Wayne
Format: EPUB + Converted PDF


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