ARRS Case-Based Subspecialty Review 2021 (CME VIDEOS)
This course package offers 16.5 CME and SA-CME Credits
ARRS Case-Based Subspecialty Review 2021 (CME VIDEOS) 48 Videos Size 2.60GB
This course offers a broad review of cases across 11 subspecialties. Each module addresses one subspecialty and contains 60 minutes of case review and 30 minutes of didactic lecture. The rapid-fire case review will provide an even more comprehensive review of cases with limited differential diagnoses.
Learning Outcomes and Lectures
After completing this course, the learner should be able to:
Develop differential diagnoses for conditions in 11 radiology subspecialties.
Recognize imaging features that are highly characteristic of a specific diagnosis or diagnostic set.
Recognize the imaging and clinical features that allow for refinement of differential diagnosis, allowing for a more specific diagnosis.
Outline management decisions affecting a variety of commonly encountered clinical scenarios.
Module 1—Vascular/Interventional
Rapid Fire Review: Arterial—Raja Ramaswamy, MD
TIPS – Fundamental Review and Current Clinical Update—Raja Ramaswamy, MD
Rapid Fire Review: Venous, Prostate Artery Embolization—Davood Joseph Abdollahian, MD, DABR
Rapid Fire Review: Nonvascular—Henry Chou, MD
Module 2—Nuclear Medicine
Cardiac Amyloidosis and Sarcoidosis Page—Pradeep Bhambhvani, MD
Neurologic, Pulmonary, Parathyroid, and Gastrointestinal Scintigraphy Page—Phillip Kuo, MD, PhD
Oncologic PET/CT Page—William Rieter, MD, PhD
Musculoskeletal and Endocrine—Chirayu Shah, MD
Module 3—Genitourinary
Rapid Review: Renal Cases—Darcy Wolfman, MD
Prostate and Testicle Cases—Benjamin Wildman-Tobriner, MD
Rapid Review: Bladder and Gynecology Cases—A.J. Mariano, MD
Guidelines and Updates for Ovarian Lesions—Ania Kielar, MD
Module 4—Gastrointestinal
Diffuse Liver and Gallbladder Diseases—Motoyo Yano, MD, PhD
Imaging of Inflammatory Bowel Disease—Ryan B. O’Malley, MD
Biliary Diseases—William Roger Masch, MD
Retroperitoneum, Peritoneum, and Mesentery—Ryan B. O’Malley, MD
Multisystem Diseases Affecting the Abdomen/GI Tract—Sherry Shuai-Li Wang, MBBS, FRANZCR
Module 5—Chest
Imaging of Lung Cancer—David Naeger, MD
Signs in Radiology—Girish Shroff, MD
Imaging of Chest Trauma—Maria Daniela Martin, MD
Review of CT Lung Terminology: Part I and Part II—Ahmed H. El-Sherief, MD
Module 6—Pediatric
Child with Chest Pain—David Saul, MD
Best Practices in Pediatric Imaging—William McCullough, MD, MBA
Child with a Joint Complaint—Daniel G. Rosenbaum, MD
Pediatric Imaging in GI/GU Tract Emergencies—Asef B. Khwaja, MD
Pediatric Neuro Case Review—Rahul Nikam, MBBS
Module 7—Breast
Breast Imaging in young, Pregnant and Lactating Women—Haydee Ojeda-Fournier, MD
Symptomatic Male Breast Imaging—Jean M. Kunjummen, DO
Post-treated Breast Imaging, Pearls and Challenges—Kirti M. Kulkarni, MD
Imaging Approach to Breast Pain—Beatriz E. Adrada, MD
Module 8—Musculoskeletal
Rapid Fire: Normal Variants/Congenital/Developmental—Hillary Warren Garner, MD
Approach to Lucent Bone Lesions—Jonathan C. Baker, MD
Rapid Fire: Trauma Case Review—James Derek Stensby, MD
Metabolic Bone Cases: Rapid Fire—Omer A. Awan, MD
MSK Infections—Jonathan C. Baker, MD
Module 9—Cardiac
Cardiac Imaging in COVID-19—Kate Hanneman, MD, MPH
Cardiovascular Imaging Case Review—Demetrios Raptis, MD
Cardiac MRI Case Review—Laura Jimenez Juan, MD
Cardiac CT Case Review—Daniel Vargas, MD
Module 10—Ultrasound
Pregnant and in Pain!—Anne M. Kennedy, MB, BCh, BAO
Don’t Miss this on Ob Ultrasound!—Priyanka Jha, MBBS
Renal Transplants: What You Need to Know—Ghaneh Fananapazir, MD
Understanding Uterine Ultrasound—Peter Wang, MD
Love Those Lumps!—Anne M. Kennedy, MB, BCh, BAO
Module 11—Neuroradiology
Rapid Fire Review: Brain—Kathleen R. Tozer Fink, MD
Pearls and Pitfalls of the Skull Base—Tabassum A. Kennedy, MD
Rapid Fire Review: Spines and Syndromes—Jennifer L. Becker, BMBS, MRCR, FRCR
Rapid Fire Review: Head and Neck—Margaret Naomi Chapman, MD
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