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Title: Medical-Surgical Nursing in Canada 4TH EDITION

Medical-Surgical Nursing in Canada 4TH EDITION Authors: Sharon Mantik Lewis; Sandra Goldsworthy; Maureen A Barry; Jane Tyerman; Jana Lok Publication: Mosby Canada Year: 2018 ISBN: 9781771720489, 9781771721356 Format: ORIGINAL…...Read more in the description.


Learn how to become an exceptional caregiver in Canada’s evolving health care environment! Adapted by a team of 4 experienced Canadian nurse-educators and a slate of expert contributors from across the country, the 4thCanadian Edition ofMedical-Surgical Nursing in Canada offers up-to-date coverage of the latest trends, hot topics, and clinical developments in the field. Completely revised and updated content explores patient care in various clinical settings and focuses on key topics such as patient safety, exam preparation, evidence-informed practice, prioritization, patient and caregiver teaching, culturally competent care, and the determinants of health. A variety of helpful boxes and tables make it easy for students to find essential information and the accessible writing style makes even the most complex concepts easy to grasp. Best of all – a complete collection of learning and study resources helps students learn more effectively and offers valuable, real-world preparation for clinical practice.

Original price was: $56.00.Current price is: $6.00.

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Medical-Surgical Nursing in Canada 4TH EDITION

Authors: Sharon Mantik Lewis; Sandra Goldsworthy; Maureen A Barry; Jane Tyerman; Jana Lok

Publication: Mosby Canada

Year: 2018

ISBN: 9781771720489, 9781771721356


Language: English


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