Basic Criminal Law: The Constitution, Procedure, and Crimes, 5th Edition

AUTHORS Anniken Davenport
YEAR 2017
PUBLICATIONPearson; 5th edition (March 16, 2017)
ISBN9780134559834, 9780134559988 , 0134559967, 9780134559964, 9780137407453, 0137407459


A comprehensive, well-organized approach to understanding key legal concepts and developing the essential skills and hands-on experience needed to enter the legal professionBasic Criminal Law, Fifth Edition, provides a thorough grounding in criminal law, its history, how it is practiced today, and what trends will take it into the future. Rich with features that guide readers through the history of criminal law, the crimes themselves, and specific legal procedures, this text offers numerous opportunities to develop the real-world skills needed to enter the workforce. The Fifth Edition includes: insights from current and high-profile key cases; new You Make the Call sections; a revised chapter on sex crimes; a revised appeals section; updated crime statistics and definitions; updated evidence concept sections; and enhanced practical tips and strategies.

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