Ein praktischer Leitfaden zur Gelenk- und Weichteilinjektion, 4. Auflage

Publisher:LWW; Fourth edition (June 19, 2021) Language:English FORMAT EPUB + CONVERTED PDF ISBN-10:1975153286 ISBN-13:978-1975153281 ISBN-13:9781975153281 eTextISBN:9781975153311

Der ursprüngliche Preis betrug: 93.00 €.Aktueller Preis: 13.02 €.

A Practical Guide to Joint & Soft Tissue Injection is the definitive guide to effective injection procedures that can be performed with simple equipment in a variety of settings. Expanded and updated for the fourth edition, this practical, award-winning guide thoroughly explains the rationale and step-by-step technique for each procedure, helping you offer patients immediate relief from pain and discomfort.

Covers a full range of musculoskeletal disorders, chalazions, keloids, warts, and occipital neuralgia, as well as the use of corticosteroids, viscosupplementation, and dry needling.Contains new sections on Orthobiologics, Musculoskeletal Ultrasound, and Advanced and Adjunctive Techniques.Includes all-new content on facial/head nerve blocks, treatment of intersection syndrome, hamstring tendon/ischial bursa, gluteal pain syndrome, Baker’s cyst, and midfoot joint injections.

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