Entwicklungsprofile: Vor der Geburt bis zum Jugendalter, 9. Auflage

by Lynn R Marotz (Author), K. Eileen Allen (Author)

  • Verlag ‏ : ‎ Cengage-Lernen; 9. Auflage (10. Januar 2022)
  • Sprache ‏ : ‎ Englisch
  • Original formatieren PDF / Replik drucken
  • ISBN-10 ‏: ‎ 0357625021
  • ISBN-13 ‏: ‎ 978-03576250260

Der ursprüngliche Preis betrug: 67.88 €.Aktueller Preis: 11.16 €.

Entwicklungsprofile: Vor der Geburt bis zur Adoleszenz 9th Ausgabe PDF 

Entwicklungsprofile: Vor der Geburt bis zum Jugendalter, 9. AuflageDEVELOPMENTAL PROFILES: PRE-BIRTH THROUGH ADOLESCENCE, 9th editionDevelopmental Profiles Pre-Birth Through Adolescence 9th Edition, helps you understand the complexity of children’s development. Major characteristics for each developmental domain are presented in a concise, nontechnical, point-by-point format. This bestseller addresses typical daily routines and important safety considerations at each developmental stage as well as includes learning activities to promote brain development, developmental checklists, family resources and an overview of assessment tools. This edition provides extensive information that teachers, families and service providers will find useful for promoting individualized learning and identifying developmental delays in their earliest stage. It also emphasizes the importance of working collaboratively with diverse families to achieve maximum benefit for children.

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