Goodman and Snyder's Differential Diagnosis for Physical Therapists: Screening for Referral 7th Edition

Goodman and Snyder’s Differential Diagnosis for Physical Therapists: Screening for Referral, 7th Edition – E-Book – Original PDF
Authors: John Heick, Rolando T. Lazaro
Publication: Elsevier; 7th edition (August 15, 2022)
Jahr: 2022
ISBN: 9780323722049, 9780323833691
Format: Original PDF
Sprache: Englisch


Differentialdiagnose von Goodman und Snyder für Physiotherapeuten: Screening auf Überweisung 7th Ausgabe

Erfahren Sie, wie Sie nach systemischen und medizinischen Erkrankungen suchen und wann Sie eine Überweisung an einen Arzt stellen müssen! Goodman und Snyders Differentialdiagnose für Physiotherapeuten, 7. Auflage hilft Ihnen, die Anzeichen und Symptome einer systemischen Erkrankung zu erkennen, die neuromuskuloskelettale Erkrankungen imitieren können. Ein Schritt-für-Schritt-Ansatz umfasst die Screening-Tools, die Sie benötigen, um eine genaue Differenzialdiagnose zu stellen, wobei sowohl rote als auch gelbe Flaggen sowie Risikofaktoren beschrieben werden. Diese Ausgabe enthält eine neue Screening auf neurologische Erkrankungen Kapitel. Dieser Leitfaden wurde von einem Expertenteam von Mitwirkenden unter der Leitung der PT-Pädagogen John Heick und Rolando Lazaro erstellt und erleichtert die Entscheidung, ob behandelt oder überwiesen werden soll!

UNIQUE! Five-step screening model is systems- and symptoms-based, and follows the standards for competency established by the American Physical Therapy Association, covering past medical history, risk factor assessment, clinical presentation, associated signs and symptoms, and review of symptoms. UNIQUE!Case studies are based on clinical experience and give real-world examples of how to integrate screening information into the diagnostic process and when to treat or refer. Evidence for the screening process is based on peer-reviewed literature, reporting on the sensitivity, specificity, and likelihood ratios of yellow (cautionary) and red (warning) flags. Quick-reference summaries include tables, boxes, follow-up questions, clinical signs and symptoms, and case examples. Key Points to Remember boxes at the end of each chapter provide quick, bulleted summaries of critical information. Practice Questions allow you to check your understanding of concepts presented in the chapters. Laboratory tests and values relating to physical therapist practice are presented in the inside front and back covers of the text for quick reference. Screening tools and checklists are available in the book and on the Evolve website, and are downloadable and printable for use in the clinic. NEW! Revised content throughout the book provides the most current information for effective practice, and includes updated references as well as a discussion of pain mechanisms. NEW Screening for Neurologic Conditions chapter focuses on conditions that require immediate referral when the neurologic condition is in the prodromal stage and have not yet been diagnosed by a medical professional. NEW! Updated screening tools include Optimal Screening for Prediction of Referral and Outcome Yellow Flag (OSPRO-YF) and Optimal Screening for Prediction of Referral and Outcome Review of Systems (OSPRO-ROS). NEW! Enhanced eBook version is included with every print purchase, allowing access to all of the text, images, and references from the book on a variety of devices. NEW! Updated appendices include screening tools and checklists, available in the eBook.

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