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Essentials of Managing Public Health Organizations

Essentials of Managing Public Health Organizations PDF by James A. Johnson – Kimberly S. Davey

Publication: Jones & Bartlett LearningYear: 2019

  • ISBN: 9781284167139,
  • 9781284167115

Format: Original PDF

Language: English



Essentials of Managing Public Health Organizations PDF,
Written with undergraduate students in mind, this concise eBook combines the scope and context of public health while also addressing key management topics, processes, and emergina issues. Organized in four parts, the text covers: 1) Public Health Organizations; 2) Public Health Management Fundamentals; 3) Public Health Management Functions; and 4) Current and Emerging Issues in Public Health Management. Each of these contain key chapters that address foundations, practical applications, and new directions in the respective domains. The goal is to enhance the student’s knowledge, skills and abilities in ways that help them become more effective in their careers in public health. This text has been written specifically for undergraduate public health, community health, and health professions courses, but will also be useful for beginning managers and supervisors working in public health. .
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