Première édition interactive de l'anatomie de l'acupuncture médicale

Archives: Hématologie

Le prix d'origine était de : 225.06 €.Le prix actuel est de : 12.09 €.

Interactive Medical Acupuncture Anatomy 1st Edition

This presentation uses anatomically precise, computer-generated reconstructed images of the human body for three-dimensional presentation of acupuncture points and channels. The CD component is fully interactive and allows the user to see through tissue layers, remove tissue layers, and rotate structures so that specific acupuncture points can be visualized in relation to their surrounding nerves, organs, and vessels. The accompanying book provides full color anatomic drawings and detailed information regarding the physiologic basis for acupuncture, which will be useful in conjunction with the CD.

Narda G. Robinson is a leading authority on scientific integrative medicine. With more than two decades of practicing, teaching and writing about natural medical approaches in both veterinary and human osteopathic medicine, Dr. Robinson strives to inform healthcare professionals and consumers about a rational approach to integrative options

Copyright 2024

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