Victimologie : Canadiens en contexte 2e édition Deuxième éd 2e CDN

Victimologie : Les Canadiens en contexte 2e édition Deuxième éd/2e CDN Format : ORIGINAL PDF / PRINT REPLICA Éditeur : Oxford University Press Canada ISBN imprimé : 9780199014637, 0199014639 ISBN imprimé : 9780199014637, 0199014639 ISBN eText : 9780199014644, 0199014647 ISBN eText : 9780199014644 , 0199014647 Édition : 2e

Le prix d'origine était de : 120.90 €.Le prix actuel est de : 13.02 €.

Victimology: Canadians in Context outlines the ways in which victims are created, defined, measured, understood, and supported in Canada today. Through an exploration of classic and contemporary theory, paired with an examination of Canadian research data and statistical analysis, this text offers a uniquely Canadian perspective on the study of victims and victimology. Incorporating new data from the 2014 General Social Survey on Victimization and other sources throughout, the second edition of Victimology is an up-to-date and essential resource for anyone seeking to fully understand the experiences of victims in Canada.

Copyright 2024

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