Head and & Neck Cancer Care in a Pandemic: Prioritizing Safe Care (1e, first ed) 1st Edition
by Daniel G. Deschler (Autho
- Publisher : PMPH-USA; 1st edition (March 1, 2021)
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 1607953064
- ISBN-13 : 978-1607953067
Head and Neck Cancer Care in a Pandemic: Prioritizing Safe Care is an up-to-the-moment, comprehensive reference for addressing the complex problems inherent in delivering optimal cancer treatment during a pandemic. Written during the crisis, a major motivation for its publication is the simple fact that delaying treatments for cancers is frequently not an option.
This outstanding volume is unique for its inclusive authorship: contributors represent the heads of renowned departments in leading institutions, residents, fellows, and medical students on the front lines of the pandemic. While providing vital and time-sensitive cancer patient care, the authors have documented lessons learned battling serious diseases and co-morbidities during the COVID-19 emergency.
In addition to an emphasis on the surgical issues of specific diseases, Head and Neck Cancer Care in a Pandemic looks at multidisciplinary patient management, education, social issues impacts, and general considerations such as telemedicine and protective equipment.
The editors have arranged the text in six sections:
* General Considerations;
* Patient Management Considerations;
* Subsite-Specific Considerations (Mucosal);
* Subsite-Specific Considerations (Nonmucosal);
* Education in the COVID-19 Era;
* Social Issues in the COVID-19 Era
Clinicians, investigators, and students will discover this rare achievement in medical textbooks is a valuable resource in the practice of oncologic care in the COVD-19 era.