Intubating the Critically Ill Patient: A Step-by-Step Guide for Success in the ED and ICU 1st ed. 2021 Edition
ISBN-13: 978-3030568122
ISBN-10: 3030568121
Publisher : Springer; 1st ed. 2021 edition (November 20, 2020)
Language: : English
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Intubating critically ill patients is a process that requires a well-thought-out, step-by-step plan, specific to each patient. This book teaches the steps necessary to predict, prepare, perform, and provide pre and post-intubation care. The focus of the book is not on how to intubate, but rather all the steps leading up to and after the tube goes in. From the EMS stretcher to the ICU bed, this book has easily accessible, practical information for these tenuous patients, and answers the who, what, where, when and how of airway management. Included are specific chapters on special patient populations outlining the process of intubating patients with neurologic injury, cardiovascular compromise, sepsis, trauma and those with obesity Intubating the Critically Ill Patient: A Step-by-Step Guide for Success in the ED and ICU is an essential resource for physicians, medical students, and allied health professionals in emergency medicine and intensive care settings.
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