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Single Best Answers for MRCOG Part 2 1st Edition

8.00 $

ISBN-13: 978-0702068812
ISBN-10: 9780702068812
Publisher : Elsevier; 1st edition (September 20, 2016)
Language: : English

COD: 3RDNOGP7 Categoria:


Passing the MRCOG Part 2 exam is essential to complete further training in O&G, both in the UK and for many doctors across the world. There are two annual sittings in the UK, plus the candidates sitting in Bangaldesh, Egypt, Hong Kong, India, Iraq, Jordan, Malaysia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, UAE, West Indies and China. It is a notoriously difficult exam, with a pass rate of c. 20%.

From March 2015 there will be a change to one of the two written papers for MRCOG Part 2.

Single best answer questions (SBAs) a new format – worth 40% of the total Part 2 mark.
This book consists of 200 questions in the new SBA exam format, and will present a question followed by a detailed answer and feedback.


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