Trauma craniomaxillofacciale, un numero di Atlante delle cliniche di chirurgia orale e maxillofacciale, E-Book (Le cliniche: odontoiatria) 1a edizione

Authors: Bitonti, David A.
Publication: Saunders [Imprint]
Anno: 2013
ISBN: 9781455770663, 9781455771554
Formato: PDF


Guest Editor David Bitonti has assembled a comprehensive, illustrated review of craniomaxillofacial trauma management. Topics include management of acute trauma, characteristics of ballistic and blast injury, maxillofacial imaging in the trauma patient, soft tissue trauma, wound management and nutrition for optimal wound healing, characterization and management of mandibular fractures, management of midface maxillofacial injuries, occular injuries, triage, and management, triage and management of cranial injuries, otologic injuries, triage and management, and reconstruction of hard and soft tissue defects.

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