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Dental Letters: Write, Blog and Email Your Way to Success (ADA Practical Guides) 2nd Edition

8.00 $

Authors: Association, American Dental
Publication: American Dental Association
Year: 2013
ISBN: 9780986027956, 9781684470099
Format: PDF

COD: 6N99FG93 Categoria:


Dental Letters: Write, Blog and Email Your Way to Success (ADA Practical Guide) with CD-ROM provides over 200 samples of letters, emails, text messages, and website, Facebook and Twitter posts. Sample letters and posts help dental staff develop communication templates for use with patients, vendors, employees, other dental professionals, and the media. Chapter headings include: Insurance Financial Office Announcements Employment Vendors Referrals Welcome Appointments Treatment Patient Education Cosmetic Procedures Dental Conditions Restorative Procedures New Technology Marketing and Promotions Special Occasion and Personal Patient Forms Press Releases Doctor Updates


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