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Infezioni in gravidanza (un approccio basato sull'evidenza) 1a edizione

ISBN-13: 978-1108716635
ISBN-10: 1108716636
Publisher : Cambridge University Press; 1st edition (October 1, 2019)
Lingua inglese


Verified by current World Health Organization and country-specific classifications, this comprehensive single volume effectively engages with the diagnosis and management of viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic diseases that affect women in pregnancy. This comprehensive book provides focused, relevant information on newer viruses causing epidemics, including Dengue, Chikungunya and the Zika virus. With today’s ease of world migration, this text covers infections found in both tropical and temperate climates, highlighting newer and rapid diagnostic methods, particularly for resource-poor settings, and clinicians working in remote and diverse locations. Designed for professionals with busy schedules, this guide provides efficient solutions and relevant information regarding investigation, diagnosis and treatment of common maternal infections, worldwide

Copyright 2024

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