Patologia investigativa delle cisti odontogene (Routledge Revivals) 1a edizione

Authors: Browne, Roger M.
Publication: CRC Press LLC
Anno: 2020-10-22
ISBN: 9780367222949, 9781000005806
Formato: PDF
Lingua: Inglese


First published in 1991. Investigative Pathology of Odontogenic Cysts presents a unique and succinct review of the pathology of odontogenic cysts. The book emphasizes investigative pathology of odontogenic cysts and uses numerous illustrations and tables to reinforce and summarize discussions presented in the text. The book’s most important aspect is its attempt to bring together new information regarding odontogenesis and the pathogenesis of odontogenic cysts. Oral biologists and pathologists working with dental tissues will find this book an important reference resource.

Copyright 2024

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