La colonna lombare: un atlante dell'anatomia normale e dell'anatomia patologica dell'invecchiamento e delle lesioni 1a edizione

Archives: Neuro

by James Taylor

  • Editore ‏ : ‎ Elsevier; 1a edizione (20 dicembre 2022)
  • Lingua ‏ : ‎ Inglese
  • ISBN-10 : ‎ 0729543137
  • ISBN-13 : ‎ 978-0729543132


This exceptional book is a collection of more than 140 anatomical images documenting the development, maturation and ageing of the lumbar spine and pathologies associated with ageing and injury. It provides a unique guide to support the clinical diagnosis of lumbar spine trauma and pain due to age and injury.

The collection represents the extensive research conducted by Professor James Taylor into the lumbar spine gathered from his study of 266 autopsies over almost a decade. It complements The Cervical Spine: An atlas of normal anatomy and the morbid anatomy of ageing and injuries, based on the same collection.

Copyright 2024

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