Ecografia per anomalie fetali congenite 1a edizione

ISBN-13: 978-9352700882
ISBN-10: 9352700880
Editore: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd.; 1a edizione (30 novembre 2016)
Data di pubblicazione: 30 novembre 2016
LanGUage: : English


This book focuses on “Ultrasound for Congenital Fetal Anomalies”. This book is designed to lead the path from ultrasound findings to precise diagnosis of congenital fetal anomalies. It describes the correct method of assessment of each fetal part both qualitatively and quantitatively. Role of all ultrasound modalities (B mode, Doppler, 3D and 3D power Doppler) are discussed here. This book consists of 12 chapters, which include normal and abnormal embryo, normal fetal anatomy in second trimester, screening for Down syndrome, abnormalities of central nervous system, ultrasound of the fetal face, fetal thoracic lesions, fetal cardiac defects, gastrointestinal tract abnormalities and anterior abdominal wall defects, fetal urinary tract anomalies, skeletal dysplasias and abnormalities of musculoskeletal system, abnormalities of placenta and umbilical cord, and fetal hydrops. The initial chapters explaining the normal anatomy of the fetus and also clear description about the correct methodology of scanning and measurements makes the understanding of the abnormal ultrasound findings more precise. The book also discusses the prognosis and management strategies of most lesions, making it a complete book for quick reference of the obstetric ultrasound practitioner.

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