定性調査の実施: カナダの入門書第 4 版

アーカイブ: 統計と調査
  • フォーマット オリジナル PDF / プリントレプリカ
  • 著者: デボラ K. ヴァン デン フーナード。 リサ=ジョー・ヴァン・デン・スコット
  • 出版社: オックスフォード大学出版局 カナダ
  • プリント ISBN: 9780190165970, 0190165979
  • プリント ISBN: 9780190165970, 0190165979
  • eText ISBN:9780190165987、0190165987
  • eText ISBN:9780190165987、0190165987
  • エディション:4日


Now in its fourth edition, Qualitative Research in Action PDF continues to offer students a concise, clear introduction to the diverse world of qualitative research. Throughout this compelling work, Deborah K. van den Hoonaard and new co-author Lisa-Jo ven den Scott bring the research process to life by exploring a wide array of examples drawn from actual studies, including their own research experiences. Emphasizing communication, connection, and flexibility as the cornerstones of qualitative research, this new edition offers beginner students the foundation they need to conduct their first qualitative studies. This fourth edition of Qualitative Research in Action sees the addition and emphasis of Indigenous content and methodologies, including new examples of working with Indigenous communities, along with new and expanded discussions on auto-ethnography, unobtrusive research, oral history, and talking circles.

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