Sedation and Analgesia for the Pediatric intensivist: A Clinical Guide 1st ed. 2021 Edition

13 ISBN: 978 3030525545,
10 ISBN: 3030525546
Publisher: Kessinger Publishing; 1st ed. 2021 editio altera.
Lingua: : English


This book provides a comprehensive overview on sedation and analgesia for the pediatric intensivist. Divided into two primary sections, the text presents a framework on how to care for patients who need sedation, analgesia, and neuromuscular blockade inside the pediatric ICU (PICU), and how to manage procedural sedation in an outpatient setting. The first section focuses on sedation and analgesia for the critically ill child, with an emphasis on analgesics, sedatives, neuromuscular blockade, tolerance and withdrawal, and the PICU environment. The second section centers around procedural sedation, detailing patient selection, pre-sedation assessment, how to choose a sedation regimen, available agents, and nursing considerations.

Written by experts in the field, Sedation and Analgesia for the Pediatric Intensivist: A Clinical Guide is a valuable resource for the pediatric intensivist in caring for their patients both inside and outside the PICU

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