Medical Terminology: A Short Course, 8e 8th Edition
- Format Original PDF /PRINT REPLICA
- Publisher : Saunders; 8th edition (October 27, 2017)
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 032344492X
- ISBN-13 : 978-0323444927
Categories: Boards and Exam Revision Category: Nursing Books
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- Easy to read and understandable language allows you, regardless of medical background, to quickly grasp and retain medical terminology.
- Self-teaching text/workbook approach reinforces learning every step of the way with labeling diagrams, pronunciation tests, and review sheets throughout the book.
- First Person narratives help you to understand diseases and conditions from the patient’s perspective.
- Picture Show activities, practical case studies, and vignettes demonstrate real-life applications of medical terms in describing describe pathology and procedures.
- Principal Diagnosis feature shows how medical terms are used in clinical practice by asking you to read physician notes about a case and determine the patient’s principal diagnosis.
- Medical Terminology Check Up at the end of each chapter reinforces your understanding of key concepts.
- Spotlight feature identifies and clarifies potentially confusing terminology.
- Full-color images illustrate anatomical and pathological terms.
- Evolve student resources optimized for tablet use, and mobile-optimized versions of the flash cards and quick quizzes make it easier for on-the-go study and review.
- UNIQUE! Accompanying online course (MTO) provides interactive resources not possible in the print text.
- NEW! Body Systems Challenge self-test reinforces content understanding at your own pace.