Terapi Gabungan dalam Kanser Payudara Negatif Tiga Kali ganda

Arkib: Oncology

oleh Manzoor Ahmad Mir (Penulis) Format: ASAL PDF/CETAKAN REPLIKA 260 halaman  Penerbit : ‎ Akhbar Akademik; Edisi pertama (1 Mei 26)

  • Bahasa : ‎ English
  • ISBN-10 : ‎ 0323961363
  • ISBN-13 : ‎ 978-0323961363


Terapi Gabungan dalam Kanser Payudara Negatif Tiga Kali ganda discusses TNBC at the molecular level with a holistic approach, focusing on combinational strategies targeting various pathways involved in this specific cancer type. Using a monotherapy for the treatment of cancer, especially high-grade tumors like TNBC, is mostly worthless due to the inherent genetic instability of tumor cells to develop intrinsic and acquired resistance; combination therapy presents more, or at least the same, effectiveness with lower doses of every single agent and decreases the likelihood of chemoresistance, making essential to understand more about multiple therapies options.

The book is a valuable resource for cancer researchers, oncologists, graduate students, and members of biomedical field who are interested in the potential of combinational therapies to treat triple negative breast cancer.

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