Anatomi Tulang Belakang: Konsep Moden 1st ed. Edisi 2020

Anatomi Tulang Belakang: Konsep Moden 1st ed. FORMAT Edisi 2020:ASAL PDF

ISBN-13: 978-3030209247
ISBN-10: 3030209245
Penerbit : Springer; ed pertama. edisi 1 (2020 Januari 2)
Bahasa Inggeris


This richly illustrated and comprehensive book covers a broad range of normal and pathologic conditions of the vertebral column, from its embryology to its development, its pathology, its dynamism and its degeneration. The dynamic anatomy of the living subject is viewed using the latest technologies, opening new perspectives to elucidate the pathology of the spine and improve spinal surgery. The respective chapters review in depth all sections of the vertebral column and offer new insights, e.g. the 3D study of vertebral movements using the “EOS system,” which makes it possible to define an equilibrium of posture and its limits. New histological and chemical findings on the intervertebral disc, as well as detailed descriptions of the aponeuroses and fasciae, are also provided.

Bringing together the experience of several experts from the well-known French school, this book offers a valuable companion for skilled experts and postgraduate students in various fields: orthopedic surgery, neurosurgery, physiotherapy, rheumatology, musculoskeletal therapy, rehabilitation, and kinesiology.

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