Multi-Parametric Prostate MRI and MR-Guided Intervention 2016 (Videos)

Format: 24 Video Files (.mp4 format).



This CME teaching activity is designed to provide a clinical perspective of multi-parametric prostate MRI and MR guided biopsy of the prostate gland. A multidisciplinary faculty discuss the different diagnostic tools and methods used to diagnose and manage prostate cancer. In addition, an in depth discussion on the advantages of multi-parametric MRI reveals the future of this exciting new tool. A review of image guided biopsy procedures compare the advantages and pitfalls of each. The faculty for this series have been chosen for their teaching ability, as well as for their clinical expertise.

This program is designed to educate physicians who diagnose and treat prostate disease: Radiologists, Urologists and Radiation Oncologists, Medical Oncologists and any other physicians that diagnose and treat prostate cancer.

Educational Objectives
At the completion of this CME activity, subscribers should be able to:

Discuss the clinical indications and applications of performing prostate MRI.
Identify patients who benefit most from prostate MRI.
Discuss the advantages of multi-parametric diagnostic MRI for the detection and localization of prostate cancer.
Explain how prostate biopsy can be performed under MRI guidance and compare this procedure with other types of prostate biopsy.
Describe current and future patient management options for prostate cancer including the emerging role of image guided focal therapy.

Topics And Speakers:
01. Introduction-The Prostate MRI Syzygy – John F. Feller, M.D..mp4

02. PSA in 2013 The Good, The Bad and The Ugly – Scott Eggener, M.D..mp4

03. Defining Clinically Significant Disease in Prostate Cancer – Hashim Ahmed, MRCS, BMH, BCh.mp4

04. Understanding the Risk of Unrecognized Prostate Cancer – J. Stephen Jones, M.D., FACS, MBA.mp4

05. MRI of the Prostate in Patients Undergoing Radical Prostatectomy or Active Surveillance – Scott Eggener, M.D..mp4

06. Transforming the Diagnostic and Therapeutic Pathway in Prostate Cancer – Hashim Ahmed, MRCS, BMH, BCh.mp4

07. Multi-parametric Prostate MRI Indications, Technique and Structured Reporting – Daniel J. Margolis, M.D..mp4

08. Multi-parametric Prostate MRI What the Urologist Wants to Know – Peter A. Pinto, M.D..mp4

09. Multi-parametric Prostate MRI What the Radiation Oncologist Wants to Know – Mack Roach III, M.D., FACR, FACR.mp4

10. Establishing an MRI Based Prostate Cancer Program – John F. Feller, M.D..mp4

11. Use of MRI for Surgical andor Radiation Therapy Planning of Prostate Cancer – Daniel J. Margolis, M.D..mp4

12. Multi-Parametric Prostate MRI and Pathology Correlation for Prostate Cancer – Peter A. Pinto, M.D..mp4

13. MR-Guided Prostate Biopsy.mp4

14. Overview of Image-Guided Prostate Biopsy – Stuart T. May, M.D..mp4

15. Image-Guided Biopsy of Prostate Cancer Implications for Diagnosis and Therapy – Peter A. Pinto, M.D..mp4

16. Understanding Limitations of Trans-Rectal and Trans-Perineal Biopsy Techniques – J. Stephen Jones, M.D., FACS, MBA.mp4

17. Use of MRI for Prostate Biopsy Planning Using MR-Ultrasound Fusion Software and Direct MR Guidance – Daniel J. Margolis, M.D..mp4

18. MR-Guided Prostate Biopsy Tips and Tricks – Stuart T. May, M.D..mp4

19. Overview of Surgery and Surveillance for Prostate Cancer – Scott Eggener, M.D..mp4

20. Overview of Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer – Mack Roach III, M.D., FACR, FACR.mp4

21. Rationale of Focal Therapy in Low-Risk Prostate Cancer – Scott Eggener, M.D..mp4

22. MR-Guided Focal Laser Ablation of Prostate Cancer – John F. Feller, M.D..mp4

23. Tissue Preserving Focal Therapy in Localized Prostate Cancer – Hashim Ahmed, MRCS, BMH, BCh.mp4

24. Lessons Learned from Real-Time Image-Guided Cryoablation – J. Stephen Jones, M.D., FACS, MBA.mp4

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