Practical Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases: A Hands-On Guide 1st Edition

ISBN-13: 978-1138721753
ISBN-10: 1138721751
Publisher : CRC Press; 1st edition (September 29, 2020)
Language: : English


SKU: practical-clinical-microbiology-and-infectious-diseases-a-hands-on-guide-1st-edition Category: Tags: ,

This book offers practical tips and essential guidance for trainees and specialists in clinical microbiology and infectious diseases and healthcare professionals interested in infection management to put theoretical knowledge into daily practice. Using common clinical situations and problems as a guide, the handbook is intended to support the healthcare professional from interpretation of laboratory results to consultation and infection control.

Key Features

Concisely covers the critical clinical microbiology and infectious disease topics, with an emphasis on translating theoretical knowledge into clinical practice

Provides practical guidance and solutions to commonly encountered issues and scenarios

Presented in an accessible format to rapidly aid the clinician in day-to-day practice

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