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Modern Mechanobiology: Convergence of Biomechanics, Development, and Genomics 1st Edition

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Featured Book in: Medical Technology

ISBN-13: 978-9814800587
ISBN-10: 9814800589
Publisher : Jenny Stanford Publishing; 1st edition (February 25, 2021)
Publication date : February 25, 2021
Language: : English



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Modern mechanobiology converges both engineering and medicine to address personalized medicine. This book is built on the previously well-received edition, Hemodynamics and Mechanobiology of Endothelium. The central theme is "omic" approaches to mechanosignal transduction underlying tissue development, injury, and repair. A cadre of investigators has contributed to the chapters, enriching the interface between mechanobiology and precision medicine for personalized diagnosis and intervention. The book begins with the fundamental basis of vascular disease in response to hemodynamic shear stress and then details cardiovascular development and regeneration, valvular and cardiac morphogenesis, mechanosensitive microRNA and histone unfolding, computational fluid dynamics, and light-sheet imaging. This edition represents a paradigm shift from traditional biomechanics and signal transduction to transgenic models, including novel zebrafish and chick embryos, and targets a wider readership from academia to industry and government agencies in the field of mechanobiology

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