Quebrando a Cirurgia Geral Intercolegial FRCS Viva 2ª Edição

Cracking the Intercollegiate General Surgery FRCS Viva: A Revision Guide 2e provides the framework and knowledge to pass the non-subspecialty sections of the FRCS (General Surgery) viva and clinical examination.

ISBN-13: 978-0367179427
ISBN-10: 0367179423
Publisher : CRC Press; 2nd edition (November 17, 2020)
Língua inglesa

O preço original era: € 34.41.O preço atual é: €6.51.

This comprehensive and up to date revision text covers all essential topics in critical care, emergency and general surgery as well as critical appraisal of research papers, basic statistics and data manipulation for the academic section.This essential revision guide provides you with the vital points for each topic, presented in a concise, structured manner and referenced where appropriate. It is essential reading for anyone preparing for the FRCS General Surgery exam

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