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Robbins Essential Pathology, 1st Edition

(3 customer reviews)

Authors: Vinay Kumar, Abul K. Abbas, Jon C. Aster, Andrea T. Deyrup

Publication: Elsevier Health Sciences

Year: 2020

ISBN: 9780323640251, 9780323640268

Format: PDF

Language: English


Categories: Pathology


The newest addition to the highly regarded Robbins family of pathology references, Robbins Essential Pathology is a concise resource that covers the core knowledge needed for coursework and exams in an integrated, multimedia format designed for today’s students. Ideal for use with an integrated medical curriculum, this easy-to-study multimedia package provides reliable Robbins content in a concentrated, highly efficient format, now fully integrated with interactive digital resources (cases, MCQs, images). Efficient, effective, and up to date, this new Robbins learning resource delivers the essential information you need to obtain a strong scientific foundation in pathology.

    • The most concise Robbins text available, providing high-quality content and a case-based approach in a focused, multimedia learning package for coursework and exam preparation.


    • Focuses on the core knowledge of disease mechanisms and essential clinical aspects that medical students need to know.


    • Features more than 500 images and tables that illustrate key disorders and concepts.


    • Includes Student Consult access which features the full contents of the book, plus exclusive integrated digital learning tools:


      • Interactive cases and images that reinforce clinical application of core concepts


      • Therapy boxes that describe new advances in medical therapeutics and support your transition to practice


    • Self-assessment questions to help you evaluate your progress, with links to the Essentials text
  • Searchable glossary of terms

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