Эндоскопическая экстраперитонеальная радикальная простатэктомия: лапароскопическая и роботизированная хирургия, издание 2007 г.

Архивы: Хирургия

Authors: Jens-Uwe Stolzenburg, Matthew T. Gettman, Evangelos N. Liatsikos
Год выпуска: 2007
ISBN: 9783540455332, 9783540455363.
Формат: PDF


Here is an atlas, not a conventional textbook. It guides urologists step by step through EERPE, enabling them to confidently and successfully perform this highly standardized technique. Every stage of the procedure is presented with numerous accompanying endoscopic images and diagrams so that practitioners can fully grasp and follow each individual surgical step. Complications and their management are described in detail.

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