Handbook of Kidney Transplantation Sixth 6th Edition-ORIGINAL PDF

Архивы: Хирургия
  • ASIN: B07252RNXB
  • Издатель ‏ : ‎ Wolters Kluwer Health; 6th edition (April 24, 2017)
  • Дата публикации ‏ : ‎ 24 апреля 2017
  • Язык ‏ : ‎ Английский
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1496326156
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1496326157


Concise, readable, practical and well-illustrated, the sixth edition of the Handbook of Kidney Transplantation has been thoroughly updated and revised to reflect the most current knowledge and practice in the field. Ideal for physicians, surgeons, fellows, and nurses who manage kidney transplant patients, it covers everything from treatment options for end-stage renal disease to transplantation, post-operative management and transplant immunology, focusing on every key aspect of the clinical practice of kidney transplantation.

  • Includes new chapters on the Allocation of Deceased Donor Organs and Kidney Transplantation in the Developing World, as well as expanded chapters on living donation and immunosuppressive drugs and protocols.
  • Outlines the major concerns surrounding renal transplantation and the most successful approaches to problems arising in short-term and long-term patient care.
  • Covers immunobiology and immunosuppression, as well as surgery, histocompatibility, and short and long-term follow-up.

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