Справочник по физике, биологии, ядерной медицине и визуализации радиоэмболизации (визуализация в медицинской диагностике и терапии), 1-е издание

Handbook of Radioembolization : Physics, Biology, Nuclear Medicine, and Imaging
Authors: Pasciak, PhD., Alexander S.; Bradley, MD., Yong; McKinney, MD., J. Mark
Publication: CRC Press
Год выпуска: 2016
ISBN: 9781498742016, 9781498742023.
Format:Original PDF
Язык: английский

Первоначальная цена составляла: 120.90 евро.Текущая цена: 12.09 евро.

Introducing the Handbook of Radioembolization: Physics, Biology, Nuclear Medicine, and Imaging. Authored by Alexander S. Pasciak, PhD., Yong Bradley, MD., and J. Mark McKinney, MD., this comprehensive guide is a must-have for professionals in the field. Published by CRC Press in 2016, this book delves deep into the principles and applications of radioembolization. With a focus on physics, biology, nuclear medicine, and imaging, this book offers invaluable insights and expert perspectives. Available in both original PDF format, this handbook is an essential resource for anyone interested in this fascinating subject. Join the growing community of professionals relying on this invaluable resource today!

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