Оксфордский справочник по сестринскому делу в стоматологии (Оксфордские справочники по сестринскому делу), иллюстрированное издание

Authors: Boon, Elizabeth; Parr, Rebecca; Samarawickrama, Dayananda; Seymour, Kevin
Публикация: Издательство Оксфордского университета.
Год выпуска: 2012
ISBN: 9780199235902, 9780191629839.
Формат: PDF


The Oxford Handbook of Dental Nursing serves as a practical, easily accessible, informative, and up-to-date quick reference guide that a dental nurse can use throughout their career, from the initial training stage to qualification and beyond. It enables users to find relevant information quickly, and will support dental nurses in their everyday work and provide easy access to information they may require in clinical sessions. As well as the basics it highlights the core competencies and contains further information which is of use to qualified dental nurses working in general dental practice, in the NHS or private sector, dental hospitals, and community dental services. The book is aimed primarily at dental nurses and will also be valuable to dental surgeons, tutors, and assessors to facilitate the learning and development of their students.

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