Оксфордский справочник по анатомии головы и шеи, первое издание (Оксфордские медицинские справочники - Голова и шея), 1-е изд. 1e

Первоначальная цена составляла: 27.90 евро.Текущая цена: 7.44 евро.

Ассоциация Оксфордский справочник по анатомии головы и шеи предлагает краткое, но всеобъемлющее краткое справочное руководство с более чем 400 схематическими цветными и полутоновыми иллюстрациями. В нем рассматривается общеизвестно сложная трехмерная анатомия головы и шеи, а также приводятся важные клинико-анатомические корреляции, этимология и базовая информация, которые помогут читателю легко запомнить сложные особенности. Написанное и проиллюстрированное с учетом трудностей, с которыми приходится сталкиваться при сопоставлении анатомии на странице с реальными случаями, наблюдаемыми в повседневной клинической практике, это руководство является важным ресурсом для стажеров и студентов всех уровней.

“This a beautiful book. it doesn’t matter whether you are a medical student or a consultant, this book will teach or remind you of some salient fact. Beautiful diagrams and lots of what I consider trinkets of history in relation to anatomy.” — Amazon Review

“This is not just another anatomy book. It is written extremely well with accurate high level anatomy for post graduate exams. The etymology is fascinating and makes this book not just for exams but generally a brilliant read. I have the kindle version but I may just also buy a paper copy to. Illustrations are clear and accurate.” — Amazon Review

Об авторе

Daniel R. van Gijn, Specialist Registrar Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Queen Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead,Jonathan Dunne, Core Surgical Trainee, London Deanery, UKDaniel van Gijn is a Specialist Registrar in Oral and Maxillofacial surgery in the South of England. He is doubly qualified in medicine and dentistry, graduating with honours in both and awarded several prizes for clinical and technical excellence. Daniel has a particular interest in head and neck anatomy and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in this subject. He is a member of the Royal College of Surgeons and has undertaken formal surgical training in London, Oxford, Surrey and South Africa. Prior to specialising purely in surgery of the face, skull and jaws, Daniel gained several years experience in Ear, Nose and Throat surgery, Plastic and reconstructive surgery, Orthopaedic surgery and Neurosurgery.

Professor Standring is the current Editor-in-Chief of Gray’s Anatomy, Anatomy Development Tutor for the Royal College of Surgeons of England and immediate Past President of the Anatomical Society. She is closely affiliated to King’s College and remains an integral part of the anatomy teaching programme to medical and dental undergraduates. She has over 35 years’ experience of teaching head and neck anatomy to undergraduate and postgraduate students.

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