Социальная статистика в действии: канадское введение

Social Statistics in Action

By: Andrea M. Noack

  • Издатель: Издательство Оксфордского университета, Канада.
  • Print ISBN: 9780199015214, 019901521X
  • e-text ISBN: 9780199015221, 0199015228


Using social issue examples and Canadian data throughout, this engaging introduction to social statistics guides students step-by-step through statistical analysis with plenty of opportunities to practice and apply concepts. Social Statistics in Action will not only show students how statistics can be used as a tool for investigating social issues and inequalities, but will also prepare them to conduct their own analyses.

  1. Social Statistics in Action: A Canadian Introduction
  2. Brief Contents
  3. Detailed Contents
  4. List of Boxes
  5. Предисловие издателя
  6. Author’s Preface
  7. Благодарности
  8. 1: Learning to Think Statistically
  9. Цели обучения
  10. Введение
  11. Features of this Book
  12. The Research Process and Statistical Analysis
  13. Some Statistical Basics
  14. The Building Blocks of Data Analysis: Variables and Values
  15. Levels of Measurement
  16. Understanding Computerized Data
  17. Identifying the Unit of Analysis
  18. Using Descriptive and Inferential Statistics
  19. Best Practices in Presenting Results
  20. Writing about Statistical Results
  21. What You Have Learned
  22. Проверьте свое понимание
  23. Practice What You Have Learned
  24. Practice Using Statistical Software (IBM SPSS)
  25. Рекомендации
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