How to Heal Dental Caries With the Palaeolithic Diet


Authors: Russell Symonds
Publication: Russell Symonds (Yogi Shaktivirya); 1 edition (October 17, 2012)
Year: 2012
Format: EPUB

This material presents alternative dental research. Much of what we have been taught about tooth decay in schools and colleges is either wrong or incomplete. This book is based on my own experiences and how I used the fascinating research presented by Ramiel Nagel and Dr. Weston A. Price to heal my own cavities without ever having to interact with a dentist.

Incorrect nutrition is the real cause of tooth decay! You can heal your dental caries with correct nutrition, the avoidance of snacking, the elimination of excessive carbohydrates and sugars, and the regular brushing after every meal with a special tooth remineralization paste.

One must permanently eliminate all junk food and commit to a life-long diet similar to a Palaeolithic or pre-agricultural regimen loaded with natural whole foods in their most original state possible, alkaline minerals, trace elements, antioxidants, vitamins, saturated fats, essential fish oils, etc., all of which are vital for dental health and for one's health, happiness and well-being in general.

A serious and permanent commitment is essential! Natural dental health, tooth remineralization, and the successful healing of and prevention of dental caries requires a life-long commitment. Results may vary and never expect overnight miracles. Teeth need months under the right conditions to fully regenerate and these conditions sometimes can be tricky to maintain even with the information I am presenting here.

This information is in NO way whatsoever a substitute for emergency dental and/or medical treatment. It is sincerely hoped that the reader is intelligent enough to assume all responsibility for his or her decisions especially when trying a new approach. One must also fully understand and commit to this program in its entirety without ever skipping any of it.

However, I've been able to avoid what would have been thousands of dollars of serious dental work such as the removal of wisdom teeth and the usually painful and/or at least highly uncomfortable extraction of many cavities which of course would be followed by many toxic fillings.

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