Title: The Spine: Pain Medicine: A Case-Based Learning Series
Author: Steven D. Waldman MD
Publisher: Elsevier; 1st Edition (September 13, 2021)
ISBN: ISBN-10: 0323756360, ISBN-13: 978-0323756365
Format: Original PDF / Print Replica
Description: “The Spine: Pain Medicine: A Case-Based Learning Series” by Steven D. Waldman MD links theory to clinical practice through authentic cases, enhancing diagnostic thinking in daily medical practice. This volume, focusing on spine-related pain, uses detailed case studies for readers to analyze clinical vignettes and develop evidence-based approaches to patient scenarios. Covering common clinical problems such as herniated discs, lumbar strain, spondylosis, and spinal stenosis, this book is equipped with high-quality radiographic images, clinical photos, and drawings to support clear diagnosis and treatment strategies. It’s an ideal tool for self-assessment and review for pain medicine practitioners and trainees, as well as for preparation for certification exams.
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