Barash, Cullen, and Stoelting’s Clinical Anesthesia 9th ed Ninth Edition

Barash, Cullen, and Stoelting’s Clinical Anesthesia 9th ed Ninth Edition

Original price was: 160.00 USD.Current price is: 16.00 USD.

Barash, Cullen, and Stoelting’s Clinical Anesthesia: eBook without Multimedia,Ninth ed  9th Edition – E-Book
Authors: Bruce F. Cullen, M. Christine Stock, Rafael Ortega
Publication: Wolters Kluwer Health; 9th edition (August 24, 2023)
Year: 2023
ISBN: 9781975199074
Format: EPUB + Converted PDF
Language: English


Barash, Cullen, and Stoelting’s Clinical Anesthesia: eBook  ,Ninth ed  9th Edition – E-Book PDF
Authors: Bruce F. Cullen, M. Christine Stock, Rafael Ortega
Publication: Wolters Kluwer Health; 9th edition (August 24, 2023)
Year: 2023
ISBN: 9781975199074
Format: EPUB + Converted PDF
Language: English

This classic textbook is a comprehensive reference for all aspects of clinical anesthesia. It covers everything from basic principles to advanced techniques, and is an essential resource for anesthesiologists of all levels.

Remember, the best book for you will depend on your specific needs and interests. Consider your experience level, learning style, and the specific topics you want to focus on when choosing a book.

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