组织行为精要,加拿大第二版 2e

组织行为精要,加拿大第二版 2e

Authors: Stephen P. Robbins; Timothy A. Judge; Katherine Breward
Publication: Pearson
格式:原件 PDF / 打印复制品


原价为:92.07 欧元。当前价格为:10.23 欧元。

Essentials of Organizational Behavior teaches students how to communicate and interact within organizations, through real-world scenarios. The text offers comprehensive coverage of key organizational behavior (OB) concepts, making each lesson engaging and easy to absorb. Students can use the book’s concepts to apply what they’ve learned to their own education, future career plans, and other organizational endeavors.

Currently used at more than 500 colleges and universities worldwide, Essentials of Organizational Behaviour serves as a popular resource so students can learn and understand the most important concepts in OB. With updated research and the integration of contemporary global issues, the 2nd Edition focuses on the most relevant OB concepts that resonate with students.

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