祖傳飲食與營養(第 1 版/1e)第一版

檔案: 營養

Ancestral Diets and Nutrition supplies dietary advice based on the study of prehuman and human populations worldwide over the last two million years. This thorough, accessible book uses prehistory and history as a laboratory for testing the health effects of various foods. It examines all food groups by drawing evidence from skeletons and their teeth, middens, and coprolites along with written records where they exist to determine peoples’ health and diet.

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原價為:55.80 歐元。目前價格為:9.30 歐元。

Ancestral Diets and Nutrition supplies dietary advice based on the study of prehuman and human populations worldwide over the last two million years. This thorough, accessible book uses prehistory and history as a laboratory for testing the health effects of various foods. It examines all food groups by drawing evidence from skeletons and their teeth, middens, and coprolites along with written records where they exist to determine peoples’ health and diet.

這本書充分說明並以廣泛的研究為基礎,增強了有關飲食、營養和健康的知識。 它吸引了醫學、營養學、人類學、生物學、化學、經濟學和歷史學領域的從業者,以及那些尋求明確解釋人類古往今來吃什麼以及我們現在應該吃什麼的人。


  • 十六章探討了脂肪、甜味劑、穀物、塊根和塊莖、水果、蔬菜以及動植物蛋白質來源。
  • 整合了來自古代、中世紀、現代和現代來源的有關飲食、營養和健康的信息,借鑒了自然科學、社會科學和人文學科。
  • 基於對數百個來源的研究和 2,000 多個腳註的提供,提供了全面的覆蓋範圍。
  • 提供實用信息,通過建議吃什麼和避免吃什麼來幫助塑造讀者的下一餐。
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