系統臨床解剖學第 1 版

檔案: 解剖生理學

Richard S. Snell 醫學博士(作者)

ASIN : 0781791642
出版商 : LWW; 第一版(1 年 11 月 2006 日)
語言 : 英語
ISBN-10 : 9780781791649
ISBN-13 : 978-0781791649

格式:原件 PDF/打印副本


Clinical Anatomy by Systems is the first anatomy textbook featuring a systems-based approach geared to medical school programs that have adopted an integrated, organ system-based curriculum. Based on Dr. Snell’s established and successful gross anatomy textbook, Clinical Anatomy , this book uses most of the schematic illustrations and many of the same pedagogical features to approach the study of anatomy from a systems-based orientation.

Basic anatomy sections supply basic information for diagnostic and treatment purposes and for performing medical procedures. Numerous imaging examples and labeled photographs of cross-sectional anatomy are included to help students think in terms of three-dimensional anatomy. Surface anatomy sections provide surface landmarks of important anatomic structures located beneath the skin and often bypassed by practicing clinicians.

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