馬庫斯和費爾德曼的骨質疏鬆症第 5 版

馬庫斯和費爾德曼的骨質疏鬆症第 5 版

出版商 ‏ : ‎Academic Press; 第 5 版(17 年 2020 月 XNUMX 日)
語言 : 英語
ISBN-10 : 0128130733
ISBN-13 : 978-0128130735
格式:原件 PDF/打印副本

原價為:348.75 歐元。目前價格為:13.95 歐元。

Marcus and Feldman’s Osteoporosis, Fifth Edition, is the most comprehensive, authoritative reference on this disease. Led by a new editorial team, this fifth edition offers critical information on reproductive and hormonal risk factors, new therapeutics, ethnicity, nutrition, therapeutics, management and economics, comprising a tremendous wealth of knowledge in a single source not found elsewhere. Written by renowned experts in the field, this two-volume reference is a must-have for biomedical researchers, research clinicians, fellows, academic and medical libraries, and any company involved in osteoporosis drug research and development

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